Travel Insurance


The following is one example of travel insurance. You are under no obligation to choose this or any other insurance option. We are not an insurance experts and your situation may have different requirements and/or options available (such as, but not limited to: existing coverage, state laws, pre-existing conditions, age or health-related options/costs/needs, etc). I highly recommend you do your own research, or talk to an insurance agent you trust to help you make a decision about insurance for your needs.

Trawick International - Safe Travels Voyager

We found this Travel Insurance option in 2021 and many that have traveled with us have used it since. It was selected based on recommendations from the Forbes website (which changes periodically), and for its comprehensive set of benefits. Their insurance processing is slow, but perhaps on par with others -- be sure to save all your receipts, documentation, and keep detailed notes for filing a claim.


Note: We are not affliated with this company in any way, the site may at any time, making the information below obsolete.

Some highlights

  • PRIMARY medical insurance (covers expenses first -- don't need to bill another insurance)
  • Trip Cancellation (trip covered if it is canceled beyond your control)
  • Trip Interruption (missed flights, etc.)
  • Trip Delay (covers quarantine situations, other things delaying return trip)
  • Medical evac coverage (for medical flight back to US in severe circumstances)
Be sure to read the fine print about limitations and exclusions.

To get a quote:

  1. Visit their website:
  2. Click "Get a Quote"
  3. Fill out the form.
    • Be sure to put "Bosnia and Herzegovina" for "Destination".
    • Choose the correct trip dates, from the time you leave your house, until you return back to your home.
    • "Deposit Date" is the date you paid a deposit or puchased your tickets directly from the airline (in lieu of a deposit).
    • For "Trip Cost" be sure to put the non-reimbursable costs for your trip, typically this is only the airline cost.
  4. Click "Get a Quote"
  5. Review add-on options + review the price (add-ons are commonly skipped)
    • "Cancel for Any Reason" is expensive to add. It allows you to cancel before the trip starts for any reason. You will get 75% of your airfare back if you cancel. If you do not choose this, airfare is generally NOT refundable if YOU choose to cancel. However, if the airline cancels your flight, the airfare IS generally refundable directly from the airline (and this coverage will NOT help you).
    • "Trip Delay" covers hotel & food while you are delayed (stuck) due to flight cancellations, quarantine, etc. $250 per day per person is probably adequate for Bosnia & Herzegovina or Croatia.
  6. If you like this option, click "Buy Now" to continue with the purchase.
  7. YOU ARE NOT DONE AFTER YOU BUY IT! Check your email for an email titled "Insurance Purchase Notification...".
  8. Click the "View Documents" link in that email.
  9. This should take you back to the website, with links to download your documents that you need during your trip.
That's it! If you have questions or problems, let us know. We are happy to help to the extent we can. You may also want to speak with your insurance agent for advice or help.

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Ken Paulsen