Find the payment instructions below for your pilgrimage. Please note that pilgrimage payments, or payments for a product or service to Center for Peace West are NOT tax deductible. However, donations made to Center for Peace West ARE tax deductible (CFPW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit). Please reach out if you have any questions!
CFPW pilgrimages WILL say "(by CFPW)" next to them on the homepage.
Zelle is an fast and free way to pay through most banks. It does not support credit cards. Be sure to use the email address below exactly. Also note the pilgrimage and your name(s).
Need help? Watch: This short video. Or reach out to your bank for help.
PayPal is best for credit cards, but charges a fee, typically 3.5% to 4%. This fee reduces the money CFPW receives, and the amount credited to you. (PayPal Credit Card Fee Calculator)
How to pay w/ PayPal:
Make check out to:
Mail check to:
Be sure to note the pilgrimage and your name(s).
Partner pilgrimages will NOT say "(by CFPW)" next to them on the homepage.
Help priests or others visit Medjugorje.